Hogansville First Baptist Church members to share Jamaica mission experience

Published 12:00 am Thursday, July 30, 2015

First Baptist Church in Hogansville sent 23 people on a mission trip to Jamaica for a week in July. While there, they led revivals and held Vacation Bible School classes at four different churches. The men completed a building project, and all gave and received many blessings in sharing God’s word. The team will share their experiences during the church’s evening service 6 p.m. on Aug. 9. Members said everyone is welcome to join us for this service to hear about the mission team’s time in Jamaica.

http://lagrangenews.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/37/2015/07/web1_WEB0731MissionTrip.jpgFirst Baptist Church in Hogansville sent 23 people on a mission trip to Jamaica for a week in July. While there, they led revivals and held Vacation Bible School classes at four different churches. The men completed a building project, and all gave and received many blessings in sharing God’s word. The team will share their experiences during the church’s evening service 6 p.m. on Aug. 9. Members said everyone is welcome to join us for this service to hear about the mission team’s time in Jamaica.


First Baptist Church in Hogansville sent 23 people on a mission trip to Jamaica for a week in July. While there, they led revivals and held Vacation Bible School classes at four different churches. The men completed a building project, and all gave and received many blessings in sharing God’s word. The team will share their experiences during the church’s evening service 6 p.m. on Aug. 9. Members said everyone is welcome to join us for this service to hear about the mission team’s time in Jamaica.

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