Letter: More than just a bike trail
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Dear editor:
I was pleased to see the front page article in Thursday’s paper (July 7), “Public invited to bike trail plan meeting.”
As a longtime resident of LaGrange and a user of similar trails in other cities, I support the addition of The Thread in LaGrange. I must, though, make a comment about the headline.
While I respect our local cyclists, it should be made clear that The Thread is not only a BIKE trail, implied in the headline. As the article points out, this will be a trail open to joggers, walkers, strollers, kids on tricycles, scooters, roller bladers, etc. and bike riders. It will connect our neighborhoods and help provide an option to visit a ball game or a downtown restaurant while getting us out of our cars!
The steering committee has invited the community to a presentation of The Thread at Del’Avant on Tuesday, July 19, at 5:30 p.m. Come with an open mind seeking to learn about this potential positive addition to our city. See you there.
Scott Landa
Keep Troup Beautiful