Two-time Super Bowl Champ hosts youth seminar over weekend

Published 9:00 am Tuesday, June 27, 2023

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Over the weekend, two-time Super Bowl Champion, Tyrone Poole, visited Twin Cedars’ Bradfield Center to present his Ultimate Success Life Skills Seminar.

The presentation was designed to help the boys develop the mindset of a champion. The seminar focused on teaching important skills such as resilience, leadership development, conflict resolution and promoting health and wellness through fitness.

Poole said the seminar was an ultimate success.

“It impacted the lives of youth by providing them with lifelong tools and principles to build the champion that already exists within them,” Poole said. “It is our job as adults to lead, guide and direct our youth into the pathway of greatness by using our experiences, both successes and failures in life through extracting the principles used or not used to show them how they too can overcome any and all obstacles and mistakes and still win.

Paulette Coleman, human services professional at Twin Cedars, said the boys were very engaged in his presentation.

“He gave each of them an autographed book and a binder with the knowledge to be successful. Events like this make a huge difference for the boys. We are ecstatic that he came to speak to them,” Coleman said.

Poole said he felt it was important to spread the mindset of a champion to local young men to give them the foundational building blocks to succeed in life.

“They are not the total of their past mistakes and they can right their wrongs in life by following proven principles accompanied by discipline, consistency and resiliency to show them that they can and will win in the game of life if they put their mind and action towards it,” Poole said.

“We are all like spiders in life, everything we need to be a champion is already in us and we must continue to build on our purpose like a spider builds its webs. No matter how many people or how many times the web (our dream, goals, aspirations) gets knocked down, we must keep building from the inside out against all opposition and adversity life throws our way.”

One of the 18-year-old boys at the Bradfield Center said the seminar was one of his best experiences.

“It changed my mindset on what I need to do to be successful and it shifted my perspective”, he said. 

As the seminar ended, Poole and Kane Bradfield of Clockworks Performance Training took the boys through timed exercises and gave motivation through each activity. 

With the success of the seminar at the Bradfield Center, Poole said he plans to host more.

“My motto is ‘Everyone is a champion.’ They just need to know who they are, what they have and what they can do with it. I want as many youths as possible to experience the opportunity to learn how to be the best version of themselves possible,” Poole said. “This is a part of my lifelong purpose to reach and impact as many lives as possible to build up the champion in them.”

For information on the Bradfield Center and Adult Academy, please contact Kim Rozycki at 706-580-8710 or visit our website at