New City Clerk Melissa Robertson is looking forward to serving the citizens of LaGrange

Published 10:00 am Saturday, July 15, 2023

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The City of LaGrange has a new clerk. Four-year employee Melissa Robertson was promoted to take over the duties of city clerk last week.

The LaGrange native is taking over the role after the retirement of longtime city clerk Sue Olson, who retired on May 31.

Robertson has worked for the city for several years, having previously worked in human resources/payroll. She began her work at city hall after officially being hired by the city in January 2019.

“Before that, I worked for the WellStar West Georgia in the organizational learning department, and that transferred to Marietta. That led me look for another job, so I wouldn’t have to commute back and forth,” Robertson said, indicating she didn’t want to leave LaGrange.

Robertson said she has lived in LaGrange her entire life.

“I have two children. One is married and out of the house expecting his first child in January and then I have a 14-year-old who is just going into high school,” she said.

Robertson said she has worked with City Manager Meg Kelsey in the HR department for several years and has helped Olson on occasion.

“[Olson] has taught that department a good deal of her roles. I feel that I’m able to meet all the new demands from working in that department. Also, working with the city for the years has helped me see which departments I can help our citizens reach out to, to get their needs met faster,” Robertson said.

Robertson said she loves LaGrange for its sense of community, as well as its amenities.

“We always have something going on here on the weekends, and you can find something to do to get out,” Robertson said.

Robertson said she and her family love to walk on The Thread and spend time in LaGrange’s parks and on the square.

“It’s just a beautiful little downtown area. We like to go and sit and have ice cream and sit around the square and watch the fountain,” she said.

Robertson said she is also going to school, studying business management with a focus on HR.

Robertson officially started the new role as city clerk last week on July 6.

“I look forward to serving the City of LaGrange in my new role, and I feel honored to be able to work closely with City Manager Meg Kelsey and the mayor and council,” Robertson said.