TCSS adopts 2025 budget

Published 10:30 am Saturday, June 15, 2024

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With little fanfare, the Troup County School Board formally adopted its FY 2025 budget on Thursday evening.

The total budget comes in at $162,342,000, a 4.6% increase over last year’s total revenues. 

The school system plans to continue funding services started in recent years that were subsidized using federal and state stimulus funding, which is going away, by delving into $2 million in rollover funds.

The majority of the budget $93,471,690 (58.3%) will come from state funds. Local property taxes provide $65,030,310 (40.6%).

School Board Chairman Brandon Brooks said the board is not planning to increase the millage rate.

The Board of Education said earlier in the week that it will not be rolling the millage back by 6.44 percent to even out gains due to increases in taxable property.

Public hearings for the proposed millage rate are scheduled for June 24 at 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. and Aug. 8 at 6 p.m.

The full FY2025 budget document can be viewed at:

In other business, the Troup County School Board:

  • Approved the recommendations of the Compensation Analysis Study which recommended more uniformed pay scales systemwide and pay increases for most employees.
  • Approved the purchase of iReady Dashboard and Classrooms for a total of $653,359.75.
  • Approved Dye’s Dust Control to continue to provide the annual mat service for $51,250 throughout the school year. Board Member Cathy Hunt recused herself from the discussion and vote due to a familial connection.
  • Approved School Resource Officer (SRO) contract renewals with the City of LaGrange for $700,194, the City of Hogansville for $54,636.35, the City of West Point for $52,244.84 and Troup County for $433,830.02.
  • Approved estimated annual utility expenses of $346,000 for water, $2,851,000 for Electricity/Natural Gas, $37,000 for wireless service and $125,000 for internet service.