Sidewalk cafes coming to Hillside? Council considers DASH request

Published 9:30 am Friday, July 26, 2024

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During the LaGrange mayor and council work session on Tuesday, the city discussed a request from DASH, a neighborhood revitalization non-profit, to allow for sidewalk cafes in Hillside similar to ones allowed in the downtown area.

The request would establish a similar jurisdiction as the downtown area which allows for alcohol consumption on the right of way.

“It’s just a chance for our businesses to have an opportunity for outdoor dining in the front. In the afternoon the sun is pretty brutal in the back and it’s also a way to kind of help the revitalization efforts,” Nate Crawford, Executive Director of DASH said.

The owners of Beacon Brewery, Cooter’s Catfish and Home & Thread were also at the work session in support of the change.

“I think it just adds some more vibrancy to the area and being able to have a meal and a drink out front under an umbrella, I think it is just a nice touch to the neighborhood,” Crawford said.

City Planner Mark Kostial explained that the city already allows sidewalk cafes in the downtown district. The proposed change would establish a geographic boundary on the sidewalk in front of two parcels on Lincoln Street where the city’s open container ordinance would not apply, which is identical to what is allowed downtown.

The establishments would still have to have a liquor license for on-premises consumption of alcohol in order to allow patrons to consume alcoholic beverages in the sidewalk cafes.

The businesses would be allowed to put up tables, chairs, and umbrellas to allow for food and drink consumption. “A minimum of six feet of free passage would be required to allow pedestrians through,” Kostial said.

No official action was taken on the request, which is expected to be considered during the Aug. 13 council meeting.