WP update on changing traffic lights

Published 10:00 am Friday, August 30, 2024

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During the work session on Tuesday, West Point City Manager Ed Moon gave an update on the traffic signal at the intersection of Second Avenue and West 8th Street in downtown West Point. The city has had several conversations regarding the intersection’s doubled traffic signals used for the railroad crossing in recent months.

Moon said that Falcon Engineering completed a study on the traffic signals and found them to be unnecessary for the intersection. They recommended that the city remove and replace them with signage that can do the same job. 

Moon said he sent the results of the study to the Georgia Department of Transportation (GA-DOT) two weeks ago and is waiting to hear back on how to proceed from here. According to Moon, GA-DOT may request further information about the project before moving on to next steps. 

Initially, Moon said, GA-DOT said that the track likely didn’t need the extraneous traffic signals, so he is confident that they will have recommendations for removing them.