WILLIAMS COLUMN: Truth, Justice, and the American Way

Published 9:00 am Saturday, September 28, 2024

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Have you noticed that the simple acronym, “MAGA” sends liberals into a frenzy? Somehow MAGA has become a four-letter word spewed from leftwing mouths as if it makes their teeth hurt. Has anyone told them that MAGA simply means “Make American Great Again”?

In 2023 the glass ceiling breaking White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was called out for violations of the Hatch Act. According to the Office of Special Counsel her repeated derisive commentary from the the White House podium in the fall of ‘22 was designed to influence the 2022 midterms. What commentary? It was her constant accusatory references to those dastardly “mega-MAGA Republicans”. President Biden himself had referred to “MAGA Republicans” as being a threat and urged supporters during a speech at the Democratic National Committee Headquarters to vote for Democrats.

Mega-MAGA…..a threat to America.

What happened to those halcyon days when differences in policy did not mean we were not still all Americans? Those days when differences of opinion did not destroy commonality of citizenship and patriotism.

The Nielsen Company is still the world standard for assessing the scope and reception of broadcast capability. Nielsens 2021 annual report found that 88% of all Americans are still reached by some form of radio broadcast every week. It was radio that gave us the very first MAGA – the idea of American greatness.

At the tail end of the depression era people needed hope and inspiration. Superman’s debut to the comic book world in 1938 came at a time of great unrest in the world. Europe was going to war, Nazi’s were posturing for a nationalized version of racial prejudice, economic instability was rampant. Superman captured more than just the attention of kids needing a hero and quickly became one of the top-ranked radio shows in the world in 1940. Families sat listening and imagining as the Man of Steel fought crime.

But in the wake of Pearl Harbor the Superman radio show kicked off its famous byline. A line that became recognizable by generations. Superman fought for “Truth, Justice, and the American Way!” The effort behind the mantra was designed to bolster Americans struggling with the effects of WWII.

I doubt if Karine Jean-Pierre is a fan. In 2011, during the Obama, era Action Comics #900 saw Superman renounce his US citizenship to take a more global perspective. In 2021 DC Comics announced that the revised mission statement of Superman was now “Truth, Justice, and a Better Tomorrow.” Why? Is it really so wrong to extol the US as a nation? To liberals it is.

The current administration sees “MAGA” as a threat. I suggest the opposite: messaging to the world that America is exceptional should be the actual job of the White House.

In 1942, with WWII fully underway the US decided to message who we are and what we stand for to those living under tyranny and uncertainty. The US stood up the Voice of America (VOA) broadcasting network which still exists today under a charter signed into law by President Gerald Ford. The verbiage of Public Law 94-350 requires the VOA to serve as a representation of America and our policies.

“The long-range interests of the United States are served by communicating directly with the peoples of the world by radio. To be effective, the Voice of America must win the attention and respect of listeners. These principles will therefore govern Voice of America (VOA) broadcasts”

During WWII VOA broadcast into Nazi Germany. During the Cold War it was one of the most effective tools to communicate behind the Iron Curtain. VOA news of the outside world is transmitted to North Koreans. To this day China does what it can to jam Voice of America. VOA broadcasts around the world in 48 languages and reaches an estimated 326 million adults worldwide with American perspective.

But liberals can’t let that happen. It might be seen as too, well, “MAGA”, to actually promote American values, culture and policies.

In recent years controversy erupted as VOA became known for injecting liberal bias into its reporting. Michael Park, the Trump appointee who oversaw VOA, was said by the Biden administration to have abused his power in the position. In Park’s words he had taken the reins to root out corruption at VOA and drain the swamp. He actually fired editors who promoted an anti-American agenda. That whole MAGA thing rearing its ugly head.

The new head of VOA appointed by the Biden White House is Michael Abromowitz who previously served as an Editor for the uber-liberal Washington Post and the left leaning think-tank Freedom House. Let’s see how that goes.

Here’s the bottom line: The messaging of American interests is supposed to be one that advances American interests. Set aside whether you personally like Trump, or Biden/Harris. What is it that they are saying about us? What is the message that is sent to the world about the United States of America by either administration?

Their job is to protect and defend the United States of America, to advance its interest, to serve its people. With that said, which messaging do you prefer? The one that uses “make America great again” like an insult? Or the one who says “make America great again” means making, keeping, and preserving, the greatness of our nation.

It should be a simple answer. As for me, well, I’m with Superman.

I’m all for “truth, justice and the American way!”