City considers update to allow micro distillery
Published 8:51 pm Tuesday, May 14, 2019
On Tuesday, the LaGrange City Council considered a recommendation from the board of planning and zoning appeals modify C-3 (general commercial) and G-I (general industrial) zoning districts to include micro distillery as a permitted use.
According to information released during the meeting, the amendment would mirror amendments that the city made in 2017 to allow for local microbreweries and brew pubs.
“We just did a very similar amendment probably two years ago to make way for Wild Leap and for Beacon,” City Planner Leigh Threadgill said. “We added definitions for microbreweries, for brew pubs, and we put those newly defined uses into certain zoning districts where they would be permitted.”
Council members did ask for clarification on what type of alcohol would be allowed to be distilled under the updated ordinance compared to products created at a brewery.
“Similar to the brewery, micro distillery would be to create and distill spirits,” said Rob Goldstein, co-owner of Wild Leap Brew Co.
According to information released during the meeting, the council review of the ordinance stemmed from Wild Leap Brew Co. considering expanding to include a micro distillery.
There is no provision for the use in the City of LaGrange’s current code for a micro distillery.
According to City Manager Meg Kelsey, the city will also need to amend the alcohol code to allow for the use.
The public hearing for the text amendment to the zoning code regarding the addition of micro distilleries will take place on June 11.