OUR VIEW: Don’t let the rain keep you down this weekend
Published 6:28 pm Friday, October 18, 2019
For weeks, we have hoped for rain. Atlanta shattered its October heat record with a temperature of 98 degrees earlier this month. Athens and Augusta temperatures hit 100 degrees for the first October on record.
These, of course, followed a hot, dry September, that threatened lawns and contributed to an extended burn ban.
Even with recent rainfall, many local lawns still show the signs of needing more water in order to recover. However, even as we wish hopefully for green grass and fall blooms, there is a bitter-sweetness to seeing the forecast call for that long awaited rainfall on a busy weekend full of outdoor events.
However, the show must go on. Barring dangerous weather conditions, downtown Hogansville will still host its biggest annual event this weekend, and crowds are still expected to come out to eat, shop and have a great time. The annual Hummingbird Festival is a major fundraiser for the city, and the funds raised by the event help the city secure major grants and perform projects to better the city. Some of those projects include renovations to the Royal Theater, construction of the Tower Trail, Askew Park and the purchase of the former PNC building to be used as a new city hall.
We’d also like to encourage rodeo lovers to keep an eye on the forecast and consider going to the professional rodeo in West Point on Saturday. The event is a fundraiser for the First Responders Crisis Fund, a 501(c)3, which supports first responders in need of financial assistance.
Finally, while the event will be held indoors, we hope that wet roads won’t dissuade attendees at the 400 year journey, which promises to be an interesting and educational event.