ThreeLife Church donates hundreds of meals for Thanksgiving
Published 6:36 pm Monday, November 25, 2019
ThreeLife Church donated hundreds of Thanksgiving meals to families in need Sunday afternoon.
Throughout the year, the church uses its Pullover food ministry to feed families, and Thanksgiving serves as one of its largest donations.
“It’s the most fun time of the year,” said ThreeLife pastor Josh Rhye. “Our whole crew and church come together and provide Thanksgiving meals for however many people show up.”
At the end of the event, Rhye said that the church provided 275 turkeys and Thanksgiving sides to families who came through.
“We started doing this six years ago,” Rhye said. “We have seen it grow more and more every single year. Everyone who comes today will have everything they need for Thanksgiving for this upcoming Thursday.”
Rhye said the annual event has become such a big part of the church’s ministry that families know they are going to do it without much advertisement.
“Worship is one thing, but be the church,” Rhye said. “If you could hear the stories of the different people that say, ‘hey, we were not going to be able to have a Thanksgiving meal.’ For the generosity of the church to be able to come in and do something about it is pretty cool.”
Pullover coordinator Michelle Kitchens said ThreeLife Church started collecting the meals and turkeys at the beginning of October.
“It is an amazing feeling because you think about how there are this many people who need a Thanksgiving meal,” Kitchens said. “We are so blessed and don’t think about it because every year we get to go and be with our family and don’t have to think about being in need. Helping this many people is incredible.”
Kitchens said it is all about serving.
“I think it is very important that these events happen in LaGrange,” Kitchens said.
“They can see that they are loved and that people do care. God is still alive, and we are living it out every day.”