Bash makes a splash

LaGRANGE — Callaway Elementary School celebrated the beginning of the new school year on Friday with a Back to School Bash at the George F. Harris Baseball Complex.

“This is an effort to give back to the community,” said Amy Thornton, Callaway Elementary School principal, who added she was excited about this year’s turnout. “This is a way to let our families know that we care.”

The event featured food, drinks, inflatable play areas, a nail painting station, a clown painting faces and lots of water for the kids to play in. More importantly, it gave parents, students and teachers the chance to get to know one another before the school year starts.

“I think it’s awesome,” said Cathy Haley, who said her granddaughter is a first-year student. “She was nervous but now she’s excited. … She’s meeting kids she’s going to be in class with. I think it’s making it easier.”

The children playing in the water seemed to agree — judging by their squeals of glee.

“We had teachers out running in the water with kids earlier. It’s just all about fun today,” said Christy Washington, a teacher at Callaway Elementary, as she emphasized the event’s goal is to create a sense of community.

“This gives us a chance to celebrate them going back to school,” said Sgt. Jonathan Williamson of the LaGrange Fire Department, as his crew aimed the hose up into the air so that the kids could play in the water. “Just a chance for the kids to have fun.”

“We’re the best school in the universe,” jokingly said Britt Wood, Callaway Elementary School’s counselor. “We try to include all of our families and make them feel welcome.”

School will start back for all Troup County schools on Wednesday.

Children play in the water sprayed from a LaGrange Fire Department truck at the George F. Harris Baseball Complex on Ragland Street during the Callaway Elementary School Back to School Bash on Friday. play in the water sprayed from a LaGrange Fire Department truck at the George F. Harris Baseball Complex on Ragland Street during the Callaway Elementary School Back to School Bash on Friday. Alicia Hill | Daily News correspondent

A LaGrange Fire Department truck sprays children at the George F. Harris Baseball Complex on Ragland Street during the Callaway Elementary School Back to School Bash on Friday. LaGrange Fire Department truck sprays children at the George F. Harris Baseball Complex on Ragland Street during the Callaway Elementary School Back to School Bash on Friday. Matthew Strother | Daily News

Kaimin Hodge hits a ball with a plastic bat as his father, Keith Hodge, looks on at the Callaway Elementary School Back to School Bash on Friday at the George F. Harris Baseball Complex on Ragland Street. Hodge hits a ball with a plastic bat as his father, Keith Hodge, looks on at the Callaway Elementary School Back to School Bash on Friday at the George F. Harris Baseball Complex on Ragland Street. Alicia Hill | Daily News correspondent
Back to school event focuses on fun

By Alicia B. Hill

Daily News correspondent


Reach the LaGrange Daily News at 706-884-7311.

